Review ~ UberSmart Math Facts
Math facts ah, this can be a topic of struggle in classrooms and homeschool families alike. I'm always on the lookout for ways to help our children practice and master their math facts.
Disclosure: I received a free copy of this product for review, all opinions are 100% my own.
So I was excited to have the opportunity to review UberSmart Math Facts from UberSmart Software.
What Is UberSmart Math Facts?
UberSmart Math Facts was created by David Kocur, a homeschool dad and computer programmer. He created this program when he wasn't able to find a suitable math facts drill program for his children.
Amazingly after just a few months of uses his older children had mastered their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts!
UberSmart Math Facts is a downloadable Windows program to help children learn their math facts. David Kocur has designed his program to help children succeed in learning math facts.
It is intended to teach facts one group at a time starting with adding 0s, then 1s, etc. This helps children to build confidence as they master one group at a time and gives them a good foundation to build on for the next fact group.
This math drill program is intended for grades K to 6. However, anyone needing extra math practice can use it.
Learning Math
Math Dot Cards
The learning section in UberSmart Math Facts starts younger children with dot cards similar to dominos. The intermediate section uses traditional style flashcards.
In this section, the student is supposed to say the answer out loud and then click the show button to see if they picked the correct answer.
Math Flashcards
Math Practice
Typing Math Answers
In the practice section, the student can also choose between flashcards or dot cards. Now they are to enter the correct answer using the keyboard.
Math Testing
Math Tests
The test section gives the older students a chance to do an assessment test to see what math facts they are struggling with. This can be a great time savings as if you're already proficient in some areas, your time is best spent practicing facts you struggle with.
After the test is finished your student can pick what area they want to drill. You can work on one set of facts at a time or on all facts. In addition to the learning and practicing your student can compete. They can race to complete a section of drill problems in a set amount of time.
In the settings, you can change the amount of time allowed to answer problems. Another option is to increase the facts from 12 x 12 to 20 x 20.
UberSmart Math Facts is intended to be an independent program used by the student so a helpful reporting section is included. In this area, you can view what facts your child has been practicing.
It also shows you what your student has mastered and what they need to keep working on.
The chart can also be used by the child to see how they are doing. UberSmart Math Facts uses different colored smiley faces to mark the facts that need more work and ones that have been mastered.
How To Get UberSmart Math Facts
UberSmart Math Facts offers a 30-day free trial. This is great to test out the program to see if it is a good fit for your children. UberSmart Math Facts cost $24.95 for a family license. A family license lets you run the program on all the computers in your home. Each install allows for up to 8 student profiles.
System Requirements
UberSmart Math Facts is a Windows program. It will run on Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP.
How We Used UberSmart Math Facts
I've been using this program with our 4 oldest children ages 12, 10, 8, and 7. In this group, there is a wide range of abilities from just learning math facts to children struggling to remember them after practicing for some time.
We used the program 4 days a week. I started by having the older children take the assessment test and then started them on the facts that they needed to practice the most.
The younger children I started at the beginning to let them practice and master the foundation facts. They used this program for about 15 minutes a day to drill their facts.
Some of my children really enjoyed using this program. Because it's not a bells and whistles game style it was not distracting or overstimulating for them.
While some of our other children really found the lack of visuals a holdback for their learning style. Overall, I've enjoyed using this program! It lets me easily keep up with math facts drilling for our family.
I love the reporting charting lets me see what areas have been mastered and what our children might need more help with. One program option that I really loved was the ability to increase the time allowed for each question. This helped to relieve the pressure of having to rush to answer a problem that some children struggle with.
UberSmart Math Facts will continue to be a math drill program for our children that we use weekly. I would recommend this software to anyone looking for a simple and easy-to-use math drill program.