Raising Our Monarch Butterfly
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A few weeks ago our oldest daughter was so excited that she had found a Monarch caterpillar in the milkweed.
We always have some milkweed growing in the flower garden to attract the Monarch butterflies, and every year we have searched for their caterpillars without luck.
But this year dd12 found one!
She added it to her bug jar and picked milkweed leaves every day for it. It was already a large caterpillar when she found it so within a week it started to form a chrysalis.
Then the wait was on!
It took a few weeks but one day we were out and came home to find the butterfly had come out of its chrysalis!
It was already getting dark, so we kept it overnight. The next morning before breakfast we took the Monarch outside to let it go. It was a beautiful site to see it fly off!
Monarch Butterfly On A Leaf
Monarch Butterfly Ready To Fly Away
Monarch Butterfly Chrysalis
I thought the empty chrysalis was so pretty! You can see the impressions of the wings so easily. When it first was made it was a dark green.