The Homegrown Preschooler From Gryphon House ~ Review
When I first started homeschooling my oldest was just a 5-year-old Ker and we had a PreK and toddler in the mix. It wouldn’t take long for our family to be blessed with 2 more little ones. So I’m really not a stranger to homeschooling with preschoolers!
Disclosure: I received a free copy of this product for review, all opinions are 100% my own.
With our youngest now being 4 years old, I’m still always looking for great learning activities to keep him busy.
I was so excited to have the opportunity to review The Homegrown Preschooler from Gryphon House.
The Homegrown Preschooler is written by Kathy Lee and Lesli Richards, who together have well over 20 years of homeschooling experience. This is a 204-page, full-color book FILLED with inspiration, motivation, organization ideas for mothers and caregivers, and activities for young children.
Table of Contents
Introduction: Our Journeys To Growing Our Children At Home
Chapter 1: Homeschooling – Harvesting A Bountiful Life
Chapter 2: Learning Through Play
Chapter 3: Sowing The Seeds – Preschool Learning
Chapter 4: Setting The Stage
Chapter 5: Home Life = Learning – Slow Down And Teach
Chapter 6: Who Has Time For This?
Chapter 7: Organizing It All
Chapter 8: Days And Seasons That Don’t Fit In The Box
Chapter 9: Special Circumstances:
Home Life
Gross Motor
Fine Motor
Language and Emergent Literacy
Activity Checklists
Getting Started Checklist
Instructions For DIY Plexiglas Easel
Instructions For DIY Light Table Or Sensory/Sand And Water Table
I love reading books written by homeschooled families because they have lived what they teach about! This book did not disappoint me. It was much more interesting than I was expecting and it is beautiful!
The book is divided into two sections. The book starts out with Kathy and Lesli each sharing their different paths to homeschooling. Then the next 9 chapters focus on using your home and the world around you as your learning ground.
This first half of the book is filled with large photos, recipes, inspirational quotes, and ideas for teaching your children foundational skills.
The second half of the book is over 100 pages of activities, lists, and DIY ideas! Oh, how I wish I had this when my older children were little.
In this section, there are so many ideas that I could not possibly list them all. Some of our favorites are nature journals, nature study, rock collecting, different garden ideas, making bubble solutions, colour experiments, magnet games, making puff paint and so much more!
The Appendix contains forms you can photocopy. One is a nice weekly planning sheet, there is a getting started checklist with suggested supplies to have on hand.
The resource section is filled with lists of their favourite books and DVDs and inspirational blogs to read. Then there are DIY plans for building an art easel and sensory table that can also be used for sand and water.
Hmm, these just might find their way onto the honey-do list!
What I really loved about this book is their learning philosophy is very similar to mine. I believe that the best learning for most young children is play-based. That they will learn and retain more by trying and doing and having FUN!
Most of the activity materials are things you will already have on hand. Things like measuring cups, baking supplies (not just baking but gooey chemistry fun!) blocks, craft supplies, and different things to use for math counters, etc.
Many of these activities brought our whole family together not just me and the youngest little fella. They ALL enjoy playing dress up, acting out stories, making play dough, and going exploring in nature.
Nature Activities
I would highly recommend The Homegrown Preschooler to any family looking for play-based learning for their children. This book is beautifully laid out and just packed full of helpful ideas.
When our little's are grown up this will be a book I’ll be saving to use with our grandchildren!