Review ~ Clued In Kids Treasure Hunts

Do your kids love treasure hunts? Mine sure do!  Any game involving searching for hidden clues, figuring out puzzles, and finding goodies is something that will be a big hit here.

So I was really excited to have the opportunity to review 2 treasure hunt games from Clued In Kids. We received Homework Reward Treasure Hunt and Thanksgiving Treasure Hunt, both were PDF versions.

Disclosure: I received a free copy of this product for review, all opinions are 100% my own.

Clued In Kids logo.

The Homework Reward Treasure Hunt is intended for use with 1 to 10 children. The Thanksgiving Treasure Hunt is geared for ages 4 to 104, great for the whole family! Both currently cost $5.99.

Who Is Clued In Kids?

Clued In Kids was started by Helen Bertelli who was inspired by the British TV show Treasure Hunt.  Helen's childhood dream job was to create treasure hunts. That does sound like a wonderful job, doesn't it?  Well, Helen started making these treasure hunts for her children and sells them so your children can enjoy them to.

Clued In Kids has treasure hunts available for many topics including Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas, Winter, Pirates, Princess, Slumber Party, Multiplication, and nutrition themes. Some of these are available pre-printed and some are available as downloadable PDF files.

Each PDF file was 8 pages long.  This included 12 treasure hunt clue cards, 2 to a page. As well as a cover page and instructions and the last page is a reminder of where you have hidden the clues and answers to help your children if they get stuck.

The Homework Reward Treasure Hunt included activities of unscrambling words in different ways.

Some were mazes that you followed to find letters to build the answer with.  Others were pictures that equaled letters to build a word with, some were written backward. Some activities had pictures to find the odd object for that place and that is where the next clue would be. One activity was making a paper airplane!

Cartoon dog dressed in a pilgrim costume.

The Thanksgiving Treasure Hunt was very similar. There were fill-in-the-blank word puzzles.  You had to figure out the Thanksgiving theme word in each line to solve the vertical mystery world. Very much like a crossword puzzle! There were some easy math puzzles and a lot of Thanksgiving trivia.

These treasure hunts were very easy to use. I printed out the clue sheets and cut them apart.  Each card has a "Hunt Leader" note on the bottom to tell you where to hide the clue.

At the top of each clue is also a place to write a person’s name. This is a great idea if you're doing a treasure hunt with more than one child.  Especially if it's a larger group! I labeled the easier clues with the younger children's names, the ones that were a little harder for an older child.  This way it was fun to search for the clues and not just the fastest person get them all spree.

It took me about 15 minutes to print, cut apart, label, and hide the clues. Hiding places are all throughout the house. Some of them for the Thanksgiving hunt were with bikes, and hairbrushes, in the freezer, and in the pantry.

The Thanksgiving Treasure Hunt is really geared to an American Thanksgiving, not our Canadian one. That was ok though, because our kids are familiar with some of the American Thanksgiving traditions and history.  Some questions needed a little help from Mom and Dad.

What do the kids find at the end of the treasure hunt? That is completely up to YOU! Some ideas are candy treats (maybe chocolate coins for treasure!), art supplies, a pizza supper, a new movie really whatever you think your child or group would enjoy.

Our children ages 12 10, 8, 7, and 5 really had fun working together on their treasure hunts!

Kim Mills

Hi! I’m Kim, a homeschool mom of 6 who believes that learning should be fun for kids and moms! My goal is to help you make learning engaging and enjoyable with hands-on learning and easy to do lessons that actually get done.


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